#FeedtheFirst Fundraisers
A Creative Fund the First Fundraiser to Make an Impact in Your Community
Crowdfunding sites often become synonymous with being used solely in response to a tragic situation. At Fund the First, we believe in supporting the first responder, medical, and military communities at all times, not only in response to a crisis. We strive to make an impact in this community and encourage our users to do the same. With this goal in mind, we adapted our platform to not only support individuals, but business ventures and non-profit organizations that are first responder or military centric as well.
In addition to providing a platform for supporting businesses and nonprofits, we have created a series of campaigns that help provide food for our nation’s heroes.
Our #FeedtheFirst campaigns are easy for anyone to organize and start. They are some of the most successful campaigns on our site, raising an average of 198% of their goal.
Our hope is to begin #FeedtheFirst fundraisers across the country and provide our local first responders with a nice meal and token of appreciation. Start yours today!
Can be Started by Anyone
These fundraisers can be started by anyone to help provide a meal for your local fire station, police department, hospital personnel, doctor’s office, or military unit. #FeedtheFirst is an easy way to give back to our American heroes and thank them for all they do.

Sign Up
Sign up for Free. Anyone can create an account, campaign, and be a contributor. It takes just two minutes to sign up, to make a lifetime of difference.
Create a Campaign
Start a campaign and select ‘Non-profit/Charity’ when asked who the campaign is for.
Deliver a Meal
Fund the First exists to ensure the right people receive funds. Once a #FeedtheFirst fundraiser is complete, we work with you and the beneficiary to coordinate food delivery.